Highway Monitoring Radar

The AGD 343 represents class-leading traffic flow monitoring technology. It offers an unrivalled alternative to outdated high-maintenance loop systems.

With the option to be sited just 2m from the nearest running lane, with visibility across up to 12 lanes, the AGD343 solution provides real-time, multi-lane highway data and dramatically enhances highway safety, capability and efficiency.

It deploys proven enforcement-grade radar and sophisticated measurement techniques to quantify speed, range, and length of passing vehicles.

AGD 343 Product Image

Key Features

2M+ From Road

Install as close as 2 metres away from the active roadway

High Accuracy

Built using enforcement-grade radar

Vehicle Classification

Detect volume, speed, range, and vehicle class

Bi-Directional Multi-Lane

Monitor traffic in two directions across up to twelve lanes

Easy Setup

Mount, align, and allocate lane positions using AGD Align